EKO Financial - Complaints Policy

As the holder of an Australian Financial Services Licence, EKO Financial must have appropriate measures to resolve Complaints.

A Complaint is:

“An expression of dissatisfaction made to or about us; related to our products, services, staff or our handling of a complaint, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected or legally required.”

You may lodge a complaint with us either:

• Online at www.ekofin.com.au

• By email to info@ekofin.com.au

• By phone to 07 5477 5124

• In writing to PO Box 1445, Mooloolaba QLD 4557

• In person at our office at Suite 206, Level 2, La Balsa Building, 45 Brisbane Road, Mooloolaba, QLD 4557.

When making a complaint please tell us:

• Your name

• How you wish us to contact you (for example, by phone or email)

• What your complaint is about

• What you are seeking to resolve your complaint

If you need help to make a complaint

If you need help to make or manage your complaint, you can appoint someone (for example, a relative or friend) to represent you. Please note that we will need your authority to speak to any representative that you appoint. We can also arrange an interpreter for you, and help you to fill out forms or express your complaint.

Our process is that any complaint is handled in the following manner:

1. We will acknowledge your complaint within 24 hours of receipt.

2. We will initially investigate your complaint within 5 days of acknowledgement and attempt to resolve the matter to your satisfaction.

3. However in certain more complex situations, to investigate the matter appropriately we may take longer, but no longer than:

a. 30 days for standard complaints; and,

b. 90 days for complaints about superannuation death benefits.

Our response

If we reject your complaint (either partially or fully) we will clearly set out the reasons for the decision by:

• Identifying and addressing the issues raised in the complaint;

• Setting out our findings on material questions of fact and referring to the information that supports those findings;

• Providing enough detail for you to understand the basis of the decision and to be fully informed when deciding whether to escalate the matter.

Escalating your complaint

If you are not satisfied with our response after 30 days, you are entitled to take your complaint to:

Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)
GPO Box 3
Melbourne Vic 3001

email: info@afca.org.au

Website: www.afca.org.au

Phone: 1800 931 678.

This is a free service.